More from my local legocertifiedstores_anz yesterday including finally seeing #baradur build 😍🐥❤️legocertifiedstores_anz 🤩🎊🧱🐥
#everythingisawesome #lego #legonerd #legofan #legosydney #legogram #legolife #afol #legoobsessed #legoaustralia #homeiswherethelegois #legominifigure#legohaul #YESLEGO #lordoftherings
Koala back with beautiful curved lines also adorable🐨🇦🇺
Koala back with beautiful curved lines also adorable🐨🇦🇺
New legocertifiedstores_anz castle_towers opening today at 9am 😍 #lego #legocastletowers they_theagency
New legocertifiedstores_anz castle_towers opening today at 9am 😍 #lego #legocastletowers they_theagency
New legocertifiedstores_anz castle_towers opening today at 9am 😍 #lego #legocastletowers they_theagency
Holiday fun has begun! Had a great time checking out #LEGOCastleTowers and making our own mini figs! legocertifiedstores_anz #summerfun21 #auntylife
Holiday fun has begun! Had a great time checking out #LEGOCastleTowers and making our own mini figs! legocertifiedstores_anz #summerfun21 #auntylife
Holiday fun has begun! Had a great time checking out #LEGOCastleTowers and making our own mini figs! legocertifiedstores_anz #summerfun21 #auntylife
June 1st release at our local store ! So many great new & back in stock sets! I was really hoping to see a built #baraddur & #vintageradio sets but not to be… but #notredame was immaculate 😍😍🏰🐥❤️❤️❤️legocertifiedstores_anz 🤩🎊🧱🐥
#everythingisawesome #lego #legonerd #legofan #legosydney #legogram #legolife #afol #legoobsessed #legoaustralia #homeiswherethelegois #legominifigure#legohaul #YESLEGO
#legoharrypotter #harrypotter #mandrake #minons